Showing Tag: "aura colors" (Show all posts)

Aura Energy & Reiki-video link

Posted by heiwa reiki on Monday, December 24, 2012, In : spirituality, energy work

My kind friend Alberto filmed a brief video to show his Aura & how his energy shifts & changes in response to my energy. It's a brief video & doesn't fully represent what happens in a long session, but you get the idea.

My aura shifts colors, but my basic color these days is Green with some yellow. I notice when I'm being helpful my colors shift to green/blue to turquoise/lavender/pink & also white. When I'm thinking, concentrating or stressed my colors turn yellow...
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My aura pics from 2011

Posted by heiwa reiki on Friday, June 22, 2012, In : spirituality, energy work 
These are my aura pics from 2011. January 2, 2011 & December 2, 2011. The most recent picture from December 2011, shows the balanced green, blue, whitish orbs. I've been meditating and working on my personal spiritual connection and mind/body healing.  Tending to, caring for, nurturing and developing our own spirit, mind and body is a continual process.  

My journey is steady and thoughtful. I'd like to share that feeling of inner contentedness and peace with others during our Reiki sessions. ...

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Heiwa Reiki WLA

Heiwa Reiki Reiki Master/Teacher & Practitioner of Usui Tibetan Ryoho. Affiliate Master teacher of the William Rand ICRT school. ICRT Manuals used for all levels. Additional Level 1 Usui Shiki Ryoho from the Reiki Academy ©2015 Heiwa Reiki

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